Selected SCC Review Articles in Organic Chemistry
Controllable macrocyclic
supramolecular assemblies in aqueous solution
Yong Chen, Feihe Huang, Zhan-Ting Li & Yu Liu
Sci China Chem, 2018, 61(8): 979–992
Coronarenes: recent advances and perspectives on macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry
Mei-Xiang Wang
Sci China Chem, 2018, 61(8): 993–1003
Recent advances in Ni−Al bimetallic catalysis for unreactive bond transformation
Yin-Xia Wang & Mengchun Ye
Sci China Chem, 2018, 61(8): 1004–1013
Total chemical and semisynthetic approaches for the preparation of ubiquitinated proteins and their applications
Xiaobao Bi, Kalyan Kumar Pasunooti & Chuan-Fa Liu
Sci China Chem, 2018, 61(3): 251–265
Recent developments in peptide ligation independent of amino acid side-chain functional group
Jinhua Yang & Junfeng Zhao
Sci China Chem, 2018, 61(1): 97–112
Recent advances in the preparation of Fmoc-SPPS-based peptide thioester and its surrogates for NCL-type reactions
Hongxing Li & Suwei Dong
Sci China Chem, 2017, 60(2): 201–213
Recent progress on the synthesis of 2-deoxy glycosides
Jing Zeng, Yang Xu, Hao Wang, Lingkui Meng & Qian Wan
Sci China Chem, 2017, 60(9): 1162–1179
Recent advances in radical-mediated fluorination through C–H and C–C bond cleavage
Hong Yan & Chen Zhu
Sci China Chem, 2017, 60(2): 214–222
Ni-mediated C–N activation of amides and derived catalytic transformations
Yuan Gao, Chong-Lei Ji & Xin Hong
Sci China Chem, 2017, 60(11): 1413–1424
Sci. China Chem.设有Highlights, Perspectives, Feature Articles, Mini Reviews, Reviews, Communications 和Articles栏目。其中Feature Articles, Mini Reviews, Reviews栏目要求如下,如果您有意为本刊撰写这些栏目的文章,欢迎将拟写作大纲发送到,提前与编辑讨论。
Feature Articles 通常特邀一些近年取得突出成果的领域专家撰写,概述作者及团队的研究工作,长度小于8000字。
Mini Reviews 简明、精悍的reviews,长度小于4500字,最多80篇引文。
Reviews 对某一化学领域中近5~10年具有代表性的研究成果的深度总结,全面评估该领域的研究意义、研究现状和发展趋势。综述内容需基于作者的专业研究或与之直接相关。长度小于8000字,最多100篇引文。
Sci. China Chem. 特约综述:水溶液中的可控大环超分子组装
Sci. China Chem. 综述:Ni-Al双金属催化不活泼键转化的研究进展
Sci. China Chem.特约综述:冠芳烃的最新研究进展和展望
黎占亭教授团队和刘毅教授团队合作实现了水溶性金属-共价-超分子有机框架杂化结构的构筑ǀǀ Sci. China Chem.